Saturday 23 August 2008

'Angelina & Brad Will Be Together For Life'

...more Angelina Jolie �
...more than Brad Pitt �

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are for keeps, according to the actress's generous-lipped brother, James Haven.

The golden couple hooked up in 2006 - soon after Brad's split from Jennifer Aniston - and have been working on expanding their rainbow hover ever since, with twins Knox and Vivienne organism the latest additions.

And James is convinced the pair will never split up - because Brad has had such a cocksure influence on his sister.

He says, "Brad has changed my sister a lot. They take an sinful bond.

"I've ne'er seen whatever sign of tension between them and if it keeps passing the room it's going away, they'll be together for life."

Follow Angie's journey from Sinner to Saint!

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Asthma In Older Adults Satellite Broadcast Program, Australia

�Up to one-third of older people with asthma remain undiagnosed due to a combination of
under-reporting of symptoms and complexness of diagnosing.

COPD in the elder person is also under-diagnosed.

To help address this growing problem, the National Asthma Council Australia will host a
special Rural Health Education Foundation satellite broadcast broadcast on September 9,
2008, funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.

The programme, "Breathlessness in the Older Adult: Is it Asthma?", will be chaired by ABC
Radio National's Dr Norman Swan and testament feature a panel of experts comprising a
respiratory physician, general practitioner, respiratory clinical entertain consultant and
community chemist.

The panel will explore the differential diagnosis and management of asthma in older adults
with breathlessness, with interrelated discussion of COPD, and address 'live' questions
from viewers.

After viewing the program, participants will be able to improve their ability to assess and
diagnose asthma attack and COPD in old adults; identify appropriate management strategies;
and, understand the effects of ageing on self-management of asthma and COPD.
Participants will too qualify for CME Points from AACRM, RACGP, PSA and APA.
For more than details, including local spread times and viewing sites, visit: hTTP://

"Breathlessness in the Older Adult: Is it Asthma?" will be re-screened on September 12. It
volition also be available on DVD and video and via web-streaming or podcast as a resource
for all health professionals working with senior Australians.

A link to the September broadcast and access to seven late National Asthma Council
Australia broadcasts arse be base at:, together with up to
date asthma management resources for health professionals and patients.

National Asthma Council

More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Females With High Birth Weight More Likely To Develop Rheumatoid Arthritis

A new study published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
finds that compared to females born with average birth weight, those
born with

Friday 27 June 2008

Riotgun-Bullet Treatment

Riotgun-Bullet Treatment   
Artist: Riotgun-Bullet Treatment



A Tribute To Ramones and Motorhead   
 A Tribute To Ramones and Motorhead

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 26


Milo and Hayden Make a "Heroes" Sandwich

Thursday 19 June 2008

Scary Spice pens 'hate track' about Eddie

Former Spice Girls star Mel B is set to get her revenge on ex-lover Eddie Murphy on her new solo album.

The singer - who has a 14-month-old daughter Angel Iris with the Beverly Hills Cop actor - has penned a hate-filled track to vent her frustration at Eddie, who she claims rarely sees Angel.

She told Britain's New! magazine: "The working title on my new song is Beverly Hills C**k because that is what he is. He never bothers with his daughter. I mean, what kind of man is that?"

However, Mel has admitted she may have to tone down the lyrics because Eddie's legal team have asked to hear the song before her LP is released.

She added: "His lawyers will be vetting the lyrics closely."

Eddie dumped Mel while she was pregnant with Angel, and then questioned the paternity of his baby.

A DNA test later proved he was the father.

Mel, 33, recently revealed she isn't worried about going it alone and working on her third solo LP.

She said: "I am not scared of having another try. I am working with the best producers ever. I am now 10 tracks in to my new record."

See Also

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Fool's Gold - 6/17/2008

Matt Damon does a mean Matthew McConaughey impersonation. The two hung out when they were struggling actors trying to break into the business, giving the former ample opportunity to study the latter's casual mannerisms. According to Damon's spot-on imitation, the chiseled McConaughey spends most of his time looking for an excuse to take off his shirt. Barbecue in the backyard? No shirt required. Church services on a Sunday morning? Leave the shirt at home.

This helps explain McConaughey's presence in Fool's Gold. The adventure-comedy is as pretty as it is dumb, but seeing as how it's set in the Caribbean, it does allow McConaughey ample opportunity to flex his pecs and sun his shoulders. Too bad for us it offers little else.

Only fools will part with gold, silver, or even copper pennies for a ticket to this disaster, which casts McConaughey as Finn, a one-track-minded treasure seeker whose marriage to Tess (Kate Hudson) ended up on the rocks because he couldn't stop diving for doubloons. Before they divorced, the two came close to finding a fortune in Spanish treasure that reportedly sunk off the coast of the Florida Keys. Now, with help from an eccentric billionaire (Donald Sutherland) and his dim-wit daughter (Alexis Dziena), they're giving the hunt -- and their relationship -- one last shot.

Director Andy Tennant is a competent filmmaker (Hitch, Ever After) who has made a bad film. Gold has no sense of adventure, and no thrills worth seeking. Scenes drag on too long and lead nowhere. Tennant applies a leaden touch to what needed to be a light caper. Stock characters are broadly drawn, from the murderous rap star (Kevin Hart) to whom Finn owes money to the rival treasure seeker (Ray Winstone) racing the couple to the gold. Sutherland plays his character as if he is hiding some big secret (he isn't). Dziena acts with her body. Hudson and McConaughey coast on what little chemistry they have, something which has long since been proven in other movies like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

Like a good treasure map, the Gold screenplay scatters clues that suggest the film's trove of idiocy. Early in the picture, Tess's attorney chastises her for entering into a marriage with slacker, scuba-diving treasure hunter Finn. "You married a guy for the sex, then expected him to be smart," the lawyer lectures. Level the same accusation at any audience member who buys a ticket to this charade because of the sexy poster, then expects the story and dialogue to be intelligent.

The script, credited to Tennant, John Claflin, and Daniel Zelman, pays no attention to logic and frequently disrupts continuity. Here's my favorite gaffe: Tess lectures rail-thin Gemma (Dziena) not to play dumb to get people to pay attention to her. In the very next scene, Tess begs Gemma to prance on the deck of her father's yacht in a non-existent bikini so men on a neighboring boat will be distracted. Welcome to the land of fools, where mistakes like that are worth their weight in gold.

Hey, I found a script in a bottle.

See Also

Thursday 5 June 2008

Ordinary Boys singer Preston back with ex?

Ordinary Boys singer Preston is reportedly back with his ex-girlfriend, Camille Aznar, the girl he dumped publicly during 'Celebrity Big Brother' in 2006.
Preston, 26 was recently spotted arm in arm with his ex and one source told Heat magazine: "Camille has been spending quite a bit of time with Preston lately - mainly at weekends."
Preston dumped Aznar after his stint in the Big Brother house, where he met Chantelle Houghton.
The singer's marriage to Houghton ended after just 10 months, with the pair claiming that they had put too much "pressure on one another" to make the relationship work.
Following her initial split with Preston, Aznar said: "It has been very difficult going through a break-up and seeing your boyfriend with another woman all over the papers."
"We had to face up to the fact that we could never go back to how we were," she added.