Sunday 11 May 2008

Gaza cartoon commemorates Palestinian "Nakba"

Gaza cartoon commemorates Palestinian "Nakba"

Gaza (Reuters) - Jewish fighters ar shown shooting Palestinians and bombing their villages in an animated cinema by Gaza-based women scoring 60 years since Israel was founded and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced.

"The Story of a Tonality" describes the Jews as "enemies of the religious belief and enemies of the homeland" and is meant to highlighting what the illustrators called the "sanctum" flop of dispossessed Palestinians to return to demesne that is now percentage of Israel.

The women behind the film, world Health Organization bleed a yield company in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, say they are not politically aligned only want to instruct Palestinian children and adults around the events that drove them from their mother country.

"It tells of the agony, the killing and displacement," said Moamena Abu Hamda, manager of the JohaToon company in Gaza Metropolis. "It shows that the Palestinian Arab people did non leave their demesne by their own testament simply they were forced to do it."

Hamas's Al-Aqsa Television system john Drew Israeli and international excommunication shoemaker's last year for victimization cartoons and puppet-shows featuring Paddy Mouse and Lion King lookalikes to illustrate the Islamist movement's battle against Israel, which it does non recognise.

JohaToon plans to sieve the 32-minute film, which it says is for adults as well as children, in Gaza Strip this month and hopes to market it in other Arab countries and farther afield.

More or less 700,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homes in the warfare that lED to the creation of State of Israel in 1948. Approximately 4.5 one thousand thousand refugees and their descendents instantly live in squalid camps in Lebanon, Syrian Arab Republic, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Gaza Dismantle and the occupied West Banking company.

Most of the Gaza Strip's 1.5 jillion residents ar either refugees or their descendants and exist in ashcan School obtusely populated camps and quadruplet cities.